Monday, October 18, 2010

Cape = BUST!

Maggie's Farm went to Cape Girardeau's River City Music Festival a few weeks back and did not have the best time there. See how empty the street is? There were not very many people there. Most of the people there weren't exactly my target audience and didn't have much interest in what I had to offer. PLUS we wound up being the only booth selling something other than food!
We were on a slight slant, which made setting up much trickier. We had leaning racks, shattering mirrors, items carried away by the wind and I couldn't even count the number of times racks full of clothing fell over!
The second night of the festival got MUCH colder than the first. With that most people were coming down and going straight into bars and resturants, not even checking out any of the booths. This was about the time we did a little goofing around taking silly pictures and ended up heading home a few hours early.
Lessons learned for next time
-don't be too let down when an old hoosiery lady flips out over asking $20 for a dress and a sweater
-find a better known festival to take part in! The more people that are there the greater chance of sales
-get sturdier equiptment!

Among many other things.


Charlotte. said...

oh that's a real shame!
still, sounds like you had a good time in the end (:

Anonymous said...

I would have attacked that cute ass booth in a second if I was there! Some people just dont appreciate a good thing when its right in front of them :)

Brynna said...

Charlotte--yeah, it's a bummer I didn't make much money, but I did have fun and learned a lot!

Amanda--Thank you! I thought it was pretty cute looking, yet sooo many people just walked right past, weren't even curious to take a look!

Unknown said...

I would have totally bought something ;)

Kristin said...

Those people are funny to miss out on your shop, lol. If I was there I would have bought lots of your lovely items.

Brynna said...

Thanks ladies! I'm not going to let this first experience get me down! Next time I'll just have to go somewhere better, maybe even somewhere that some of you can make it to!

Jazzy E (Hivenn) said...

love these!xx

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